International Scientific Conferences
2- O. Vigil, S. López,
E. Morris, F. Leccabue. Antireflection
coatings for ZnIn2S4 single crystals. Presentación en Panel. X Simposio Latinoamericano de Física del
Estado Sólido (X SLAFES), La Habana, 1987. Publicación en: Memorias del X SLAFES. Resúmenes de Trabajos, p. 66 (1987).
3- O. Calzadilla, O. De Melo, J. Fuentes, S. López.
Resultados preliminares en el estudio de
la perfección cristalina en sales ternarias de plomo. Presentación en Panel. X Simposio Latinoamericano de Física del
Estado Sólido (X SLAFES), La Habana, 1987. Publicación en: Memorias del X SLAFES. Resúmenes de Trabajos, pp. 154-155 (1987).
4- O. Calzadilla, O. De Melo, R. Font, J.
García, P. Franzosi, J. Fuentes, F. Leccabue, S. López, R. Zabala. Growth and characterization of PbSnTe single crystals. Presentación en
Panel. XI Simposio
Latinoamericano de Física del Estado Sólido (XI SLAFES), Caracas, 1990. Memorias del XI Simposio Latinoamericano de
Física del Estado Sólido.
5- J.E.
Picans Susacasa, S.M. López Silva, E.M. Otazo Sánchez, G. Hernández
Solana, L. Rivera Naranjo, G. Santana Rodríguez, J.E. Fuentes Betancourt. Microfotómetro para la determinación de
hemoglobina en sangre. Presentación en Panel. III Reunión Nacional de
Óptica y I Reunión Iberoamericana de Óptica, Barcelona, 1992.
Publicación en: III
Reunión Nacional de Óptica; I Reunión Iberoamericana de Óptica: libro de
resúmenes: Barcelona, 21, 22 y 23 de septiembre de 1992 / Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya. Vol. 2, 574-575 (1992). ISBN: 84-7653-205-9.
6- S.M. López Silva. Hemoglobin derivatives determination using optoelectronic devices. Presentación en Panel. Workshop on Optoelectronic
Materials and their Applications, La Habana, 1993. Publicación en: Optoelectronic Materials and their Applications,
F. Leccabue, O. de Melo Pereira, I. Hernández Calderón, Editors, Edizioni ETS,
pp. 275-278 (1993). ISBN:
7- S.M.
López Silva, E. Baquer, J. Fuentes Betancourt, T. Molina Molina. Light emitting diodes based optical systems: possibilities
for hemoglobinometry and cholesterimetry. Presentación en Panel.
Workshop on Optoelectronic Materials and their Applications, La Habana, 1993.
8- E. Purón
Sopeña, M. Corbo Serra, M.A. Purón Sopeña, S.M. López Silva. Cuban experience for therapy in dentistry with light emitting diodes. Presentación en Panel. BiOS Europe 95, Barcelona, 1995. Publicación
en: Effects of Low-Power Light on
Biological Systems, Tiina I. Karu, Anthony R. Young, Editors. Proc.
SPIE 2630, 147-154 (1996). ISBN: 0-8194-1994-X. Citas: 1-Web of Science, 1-Scopus, 3-Google Scholar.
This work has been cited by: Panhoca et al, Lasers Med Sci 2015;30(2):815-22.
Brito et al, Proc Gulf Caribbean Fisheries Institute 1998;50:601-11.
Brito et al, Proc Gulf Caribbean Fisheries Institute 1998;50:601-11.
9- M.P.
Hernández, E. Vega, I. Garcés, I. Zumeta, A. Castillo, S. López, A.
Iribarren, E. Vigil, I. Cortés, F. Albertús, M. La Puente. Uso de diodos emisores de luz para la medición de pH en sustancias biológicas. Presentación en Panel. 5th Latin-American Meeting on Optics,
Lasers and Their Applications, La Habana, 1996. Publicación en: 5th Latin-American Meeting on Optics, Lasers
and Their Applications, Augier A., Calzadilla O., Oliva A., Ponce L.,
Editors, La Habana, 340-343 (1996).
10- S.M. López Silva, M.P. Hernández
Sánchez. Sistema óptico para la determinación directa de hemoglobina en sangre. Presentación en
Panel. 5th Latin-American Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Their Applications, La
Habana, 1996. Publicación en: 5th
Latin-American Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Their Applications, Augier A.,
Calzadilla O., Oliva A., Ponce L., Editors, La Habana, 344-347 (1996).
11- E. Purón
Sopeña, A.M. Fontela, S. de Roux, S.M. López Silva, E. Palomo, C.
Camber. Biological effects of
noncoherent and nonpolarized light of GaAs on human erythrocytes. Presentación en
Panel. BiOS Europe 96, Viena, 1996. En: Effects
of Low-Power Light on Biological Systems, Giulio Jori, Tina I. Karu,
Editors. Proc. SPIE 2929, 138-145 (1997). ISBN:
0-8194-2331-9. Citas: 1-Scopus, 7-Google Scholar.
12- S.M. López Silva, R. Giannetti, M.L. Dotor,
J.R. Sendra, J.P. Silveira and F. Briones. Application of NIR laser diodes to pulse oximetry. Presentación en Panel. BiOS Europe
98, Estocolmo, 1998. Publicación en: Biomedical
Sensors, Fibers, and Optical Delivery Systems, Francesco Baldini, Nathan I.
Croitoru, Ingemar Lundström, Mitsunobu Miyagi, Ricardo Pratesi, Otto S.
Wolfbeis, Editors. Proc. SPIE 3570, 294-302 (1999). ISBN:
Citas: 10-Google Scholar.
This work has been cited by: Sánchez et al, Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik 2009;47(s1b):839-41. Heise, H. M. (2001) Applications of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Medical Sciences, in Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: Principles, Instruments, Applications (eds H. W. Siesler, Y. Ozaki, S. Kawata and H. M. Heise), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany. doi: 10.1002/9783527612666.ch13
13- R. Giannetti, S. López, M.L. Dotor, J.R. Sendra,
J.P. Silveira and F. Briones. An innovative signal processing algorithm for near infrared laser-based pulse oximeter. Presentación Oral. IMEKO TC-4, Nápoles, 1999. Publicación en: Proceedings IMEKO TC-4 Symposium on
Development in Digital Measuring Instrumentation and 3rd Workshop on ADC
Modelling and Testing, 153-156 (1998). Citas: 14-Google Scholar.
14- R. Giannetti, S.M. López Silva,
M.L. Dotor, J.R. Sendra, J.P. Silveira, D. Golmayo and F. Briones. Real time processing algorithm for a new IR laser pulse oximeter. Presentación
Oral. Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB99 -
Conference of the European Society of Electro Medicine ESEM99, Barcelona, 1999. Publicación en: Fifth Conference of the European Society for
Engineering and Medicine: Sixth International Symposium of SEIB. Biomedical
Engineering and Telemedicine: Seventeenth Annual Congress of the Sociedad
Española de Ingeniería Biomédica: book of abstracts, Barcelona, Spain, May
30th-June 2nd. pp. 217-218 (1999). ISBN: 84-95185-29-6.
15- S.M. López Silva, J.P. Silveira,
J.R. Sendra, R. Giannetti, M.L. Dotor, D. Golmayo. NIR transmittance pulse oximetry system with laser diodes.
Presentación Oral. BiOS - Photonic West 2001, San José, California, 2001.
Publicación en: Clinical Diagnostic
Systems, Gerald E. Cohn, Editor. Proc. SPIE 4255, 80-87 (2001). ISBN: 0-8194-3933-9.
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging
2 (12), 80-87 (2001). ISSN: 1605-7422.
SJR 2001: 0.284.
This work has been cited in patents (72): US10092193, US9204844, US9037204, US8965473, US8929963, US8914088, US8897850, US8855735, US8798702, US8660626, US8634891, US8600469, US8577436, US8577434, US8528185, US8515511, US8509869, US8437826, US8437822, US8433383, US8396527, US8386002, US8366613, US8352009, US8352004, US8346328, US8315685, US8311602, US8280469, US8265724, US8260391, US8219170, US8199007, US8195264, US8190225, US8190224, US8175671, US8145288, US8112375, US8073518, US8071935, US8070508, US8060171, US7904130, US7899510, US7894869, US7890153, US7881762, US7880884, US7869850, US7869849, US7796403, US7738937, US7729736, US7693559, US7684843, US7684842, US7676253, US7657296, US7657295, US7657294, US7650177, US7647084, US7590439, US7574245, US7574244, US7555327, US7522948, US7499740, US7486979, US7483731, US7477924.
16- S.M. López Silva. Application of near infrared spectroscopy
to pulse oximetry and tumour oximetry. Conferencia Invitada. Seminar on Laser-Doppler Flowmetry and Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Medical Diagnosis, Varsovia, 2002. Publicación
en: Lecture Notes of the ICB Seminars
Vol. 61, 50-56 (2003).
17- M. Cordo
Chinea, J.R. Sendra Sendra, S.M. López Silva, J. García García, A. Viera
Ramírez. Discrimination of pigmented
skin lesions by VIS-NIR spectroscopy: preliminary study. Presentación en Panel. BioPhotonics
2002, Heraklion (Creta).
18- S.M. López
Silva, J.P. Silveira Martín, M.L. Dotor Castilla. Test of a processing algorithm for NIR laser diodes based pulse oximetry. Presentación Oral. Microtechnologies for the New Millennium
2003, Gran Canaria, 2003. Publicación en: Bioengineered
and Bioinspired Systems, Edited by Angel Rodríguez-Vázquez, Derek Abbott,
Ricardo Carmona. SPIE,
Bellingham, WA. Proc. SPIE 5119, 178-188 (2003). ISBN:
0-8194-4979-2. ISSN: 0277-789X.
This work has been cited by: Deni et al, Proc IEEE 31st Annual Northeast Bioeng Conf 2005:227-8.
19- M. Cordo Chinea, J.R.
Sendra Sendra, S.M. López Silva, A. Viera Ramírez. Pigmented skin lesions by VIS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy.
Presentación Oral. Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2003, Gran Canaria,
2003. Publicación en: Bioengineered and
Bioinspired Systems, Edited by Angel Rodríguez-Vázquez, Derek Abbott,
Ricardo Carmona. SPIE, Bellingham, WA. Proc.
SPIE 5119, 189-198 (2003). ISBN:
0-8194-4979-2. ISSN: 0277-789X.
20- M. Cordo Chinea, J.R.
Sendra Sendra, S.M. López Silva, A. Viera Ramírez. Pigmented skin lesions studies by VIS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy in the Canary Islands: preliminary study. Presentación en Panel. BioPhotonics 2003,
Ven (Suecia), 2003.
21- M. Cordo
Chinea, J.R. Sendra Sendra, S.M. López Silva, A. Viera Ramírez. Pigmented skin lesions studied by VIS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy. Presentación Oral. European Conference on Biomedical
Optics, Munich, 2003. Publicación en: Diagnostic
Optical Spectroscopy, Edited by Georges A. Wagnieres. SPIE, Bellingham, WA.
Proc. SPIE 5141, 157-167 (2003). ISBN: 0-8194-5011-1. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging 4 (30), 157-167 (2003). ISSN: 1605-7422.
This work has been cited by: Soršáková-Trnovská et al, Česk-slov Derm 2009;84(2):109-15.
Tedjo et al, Makara J Health Res 2010;13(2):79-83.
Tedjo et al, Makara J Health Res 2010;13(2):79-83.
22- M. Cordo
Chinea, J.R. Sendra Sendra, S.M. López Silva, A. Viera Ramírez. Diffuse reflectance analysis of skin lesions. Presentación en
Panel. Eutopt(r)ode VII, Madrid, 2004. Publicación: Book of Abstracts, p. 210 (2004).
23- S.M.
López Silva, M.L. Dotor, J.P. Silveira, R. Giannetti, D. Golmayo, P.
Martín, F. Miguel-Tobal, A. Bilbao, J.L. Álvarez-Sala, L. Herrera. Transmittance photoplethysmography and pulse oximetry with near infrared laser diodes. Presentación Oral. 21th IEEE
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - IMTC04, Como, 2004.
Publicación en: Proceedings of the 21th
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Vol. 1, pp.
718-723 (2004). ISBN: 0-7803-8248-X. ISSN: 1091-5281.
SJR 2004: 1.625; Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1.
This work has been cited in patents (77): US9895068, US9833152, US9517024, US9282924, US9037204, US8965473, US8914088, US8897850, US8855735, US8798702, US8788001, US8600469, US8577436, US8577434, US8565847, US8528185, US8515511, US8509869, US8494606, US8494604, US8489167, US8437826, US8433383, US8433382, US8417307, US8401608, US8396527, US8391943, US8386002, US8386000, US8366613, US8364224, US8352010, US8352009, US8352004, US8346328, US8315685, US8311602, US8280469, US8265724, US8260391, US8219170, US8195264, US8190225, US8190224, US8175671, US8145288, US8073518, US8070508, US8060171, US7904130, US7899510, US7894869, US7881762, US7869850, US7869849, US7796403, US7738937, US7729736, US7693559, US7684843, US7684842, US7676253, US7657296, US7657295, US7657294, US7650177, US7647084, US7590439, US7574245, US7574244, US7555327, US7522948, US7499740, US7486979, US7483731, US7477924.
This work has been cited by: Rahim et al, J Teknologi 2015;73(3):5-8. Timimi et al, Conf Proc IEEE APCCAS 2014:415-8. Wei Li et al, Anal Methods 2014;6:1082-9. Incze et al, Revista Societatii de Medicina Interna 2008;6. López-Silva et al, Proc IJMA 2004:135-41.
24- R. Giannetti, J.P. Silveira, M.L. Dotor,
D. Golmayo, P. Martín, F. Miguel-Tobal, A. Bilbao, S.M. López-Silva. Oxygen saturation measurements in athletes attaining maximal exertion conditions. Presentación Oral. 21th
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - IMTC04, Como,
2004. Publicación en: Proceedings of the
21th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,
Vol. 1, pp. 740-744 (2004). ISBN: 0-7803-8248-X. ISSN: 1091-5281.
SJR 2004: 1.625; Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1.
25- M. Cordo
Chinea, J.R. Sendra Sendra, A. Viera Ramírez, S.M. López Silva. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of human skin lesions. Presentación
Oral. European Conferences on Biomedical Optics ECBO 2005, Munich, 2005. Publicación en: Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in
Biomedicine III, edited by Mary-Ann Mycek, Proceedings of OSA-SPIE
Biomedical Optics, SPIE Vol. 5862, 58620D (2005). ISBN: 0-8194-5864-3. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging
6(31), 58620D (2005). ISSN:
SJR Proceedings of SPIE 2005: 0.227. SJR Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging 2005: 0.158.
Citas: 4-Google Scholar.
This work has been cited by: Rovira et al, Proc SPIE 2015;9816:981619.
26- S.M. López-Silva, R. Giannetti, M.L. Dotor,
D. Golmayo, P. Martín, F. Miguel-Tobal, A. Bilbao, and J.P. Silveira. Multi-wavelength transmittance photoplethysmography with near-infrared laser diodes during exercise. Presentación en Panel. European
Conferences on Biomedical Optics ECBO 2005, Munich, 2005. Publicación en: Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in
Biomedicine III, edited by Mary-Ann Mycek, Proceedings of OSA-SPIE
Biomedical Optics, SPIE Vol. 5862, 586211 (2005). ISBN: 0-8194-5864-3. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging
6 (31), 586211 (2005). ISSN:
SJR Proceedings of SPIE 2005: 0.227. SJR Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging 2005: 0.158.
27- S.M. López
Silva, M.L. Dotor, J.P. Silveira, R. Giannetti, F. Miguel-Tobal, A. Bilbao,
M. Galindo, P. Martín-Escudero. Pulse rate measurement from transmittance photoplethysmography in cycle ergometer test. Presentación
Oral. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference
- I2MTC2010, Austin, TX, 2010. Publicación en: Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Instrumentation and
Measurement Technology Conference, pp. 1039-1043 (2010). ISBN: 978-1-4244-2833-5. ISSN:
Última actualización / Last update: 16/02/2021 + 16/07/2024
SJR 2010: 2.604; Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1.
This work has been cited by: Agrò et al, Proc IEEE AEIT 2014:1-6. Wang et al, Adv Materials Res 2013;655-7:1949-52. López-Silva et al, J Med Biol Eng 2012;32(3)181-8.
28- P. Martín-Escudero, R. Giannetti, F. Miguel-Tobal, S.M. López-Silva, M.L. Dotor-Castilla, A. Sánchez-Miralles, M. Galindo-Canales. A future application for wearables in sport. Assessment in physical activity using oxygen saturation determination for predicting ventilatory and lactate threshold. Presentación Oral (OP-PM72-2). 22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Essen, 2017.
Última actualización / Last update: 16/02/2021 + 16/07/2024
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